
Eclipse Phase Character Options

Created by Posthuman Studios

Eclipse Phase Character Options: expanded toolbox for players and gamemasters * Complete selection of morphs — your character’s most essential gear * Detailed life path character creation system * Morph Creation Rules * New traits & ware

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Last Six Hours! 🎉 🥳 🦄
11 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 01:30:57 PM

Everyone, as this campaign heads into the final six hours, a simple piece of gratitude for being with us on this journey, whether you're new to Eclipse Phase or have a very beat-up copy of first edition on your shelf. Thanks so much!

Soooo, rolled up any characters lately? 🐙

We are in the final 48 hours for Character Options!
11 months ago – Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 07:16:00 AM

Hey everyone — we're into the last 48 hours of the Character Options, and thanks so much for all your support!

We've added the Posthuman Studios Hoodie into the add-ons — these are in-stock, super cozy, and durable.

We're going to shamelessly ask you to please share this campaign with your friends/gaming groups/social media one more time, please. All funds raised at this point are going towards the Eclipse Phase Second Edition reprint!

Eclipse Phase Character Options 💾 Digital Backer Release
11 months ago – Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 12:54:59 PM

Adam here. I'm writing this on Sunday afternoon, tucked into a new-to-me Columbian coffee shop. I'm in Chicago for a few days to hang out and work with Sprite in person, and to see one of my favorite singers, Dessa.

I saw Dessa on Thursday in Minneapolis, collapsed with sore throat and feet after the show, woke up early on Friday morning and dashed to catch the Amtrak to Chicago. I worked all day on the train, rolled into Sprite's place around seven, caught up a little bit and did some more work. Nine PM I poured some vodka into a Red Bull, chugged it down, and promptly fell asleep. An almost perfect day, except I didn't get chance to play Baldur's Gate 3. Saturday I spent working until it was time to head across town to see Dessa again.

One of her songs, I Already Like You has a lyric that has always caught my ear:

"Fucked up the trust fall / Caught a concussion"

Running any kind of business, any kind of venture is a series of trust falls. The ongoing collaboration that you know as Posthuman Studios has been pushing forward long enough that it could legally drink. Along the way, we've taken a bunch of trust falls and tried to be holding hands underneath others doing the same. Of course there have been concussions.

If I work backwards, itemizing and categorizing those trust falls — caught or concussed —  there's one commonality to them: our fans always catch us. You support our Creative Commons releases. You back our crowdfunding campaigns. You sell out our games at Gen Con and then come to the booth to tell us how much fun you had. You share your stories, not just about your games but also how they have impacted your life, your friendships, your feelings about life, love, community, acceptance. And capitalism. Lots of feelings about capitalism.

So with that, we're letting everyone backing this campaign download the digital version of Eclipse Phase Character Options today — the link comes after this backer-only jump-cut:

Morph Recognition Deck Upgrade, EP2 Reprint, and NPC File 2!
11 months ago – Fri, Nov 17, 2023 at 07:01:33 PM

Eclipse Phase Character Options

As we wind up this week, glad to say that the Morph Recognition Deck Upgrade has been unlocked — at the same price as the original deck. If you'd been waiting to select it as an add-on, now is the time!

A few answers to FAQs that have come up on the way:

  • Yes, Character Options is Creative Commons-licensed!
  • The Character Options PDF will be released on November 20th or 21st.
  • We will add some more merchandise to the project later in the campaign as well!

Eclipse Phase Second Edition Reprint — Price Lock

We are incredibly close to needing to reprint Eclipse Phase Second Edition. It is possible that the cover price will have to be raised for the second printing. If you are getting EP2 via this campaign — by pledge level or add-on — you will lock in your copies at the current price.

Not Stretch Goals

We want to elevate the following information: if you back this campaign for $100 or more (not counting shipping) you will also get free digital copies of NPC File 2 and Your Whispering Muse when they are released! These titles are stretch goals from the Eclipse Phase Second Edition Kickstarter campaign, and they're both in writing/development now.

NPC File 2

If you're a Patreon subscriber, you'll have seen some NPC File 2 excerpts recently, but if you haven't we have some news about that book!

The original NPC File book included 33 NPCs and 9 variants, all packed into only 15 pages. Our initial plans for NPC File 2 were a little expanded, probably around 24 pages and 40 NPCs. As we outlined the book, ideas flowed and we ended up expanding the NPC list to 46 archetypes — and also 46 named NPCs for each archetype. We expected that we'd do a half page for each NPC, ending up with a book about 48 pages. Here's the complete list of NPC archetypes — those in green are written and laid-out (including their named compatriots, who I've redacted for now!).

As we got into writing and initial graphic design it became obvious that plan wasn't feasible — we were simply trying to jam too much onto each page. So NPC File 2 will now be a ~96-page book, and we've shared some pages on our Patreon to certain backer levels. Here's a couple of those pages for you:

Once we've finished writing and layout we'll be commissioning art, and then the digital book will be available for supporting backers, and shortly after that available to the public!


Thank you for your support of the Character Options campaign, and stay tuned for the PDF coming nearly next week!

🎉 Morph Recognition Cards Unlocked + New add-ons!
12 months ago – Wed, Nov 08, 2023 at 06:58:36 PM

Wow — you wasted no time hitting $30,000 and unlocking the Morph Recognition Deck in print!

There are now some new add-ons — EP2 in print, additional copies of Character Options, Condensed Player's Guide, and a $5 digital version of Morph Recognition Cards!

Thank you so much for your first-day support of the Character Options campaign, and please keep sharing it with your friends and other gamers. It is wonderful to see many names we have known for years support this campaign, but those new names on the list is an equal thrill!

We're sitting at just under 400 backers right now, and over 10% of backers will be wearing an Octomorph t-shirt in 2024. 🐙