
Eclipse Phase Character Options

Created by Posthuman Studios

Eclipse Phase Character Options: expanded toolbox for players and gamemasters * Complete selection of morphs — your character’s most essential gear * Detailed life path character creation system * Morph Creation Rules * New traits & ware

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Gen Con 2024: LFG!
3 months ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2024 at 11:13:19 AM

Thanks to a speedy pivot by our printer, we have copies of Character Options for Gen Con 2024.

If you backed this project and want to pick your print copy up at the show, fill out this form!

(A limited number of copies will be available for sale for $55, the only print copies that will be distributed before all backer copies are mailed out!)

We're at booth #349 — please join us for some new books and some SCUMtastic things! :D

Character Options & Gen Con 2024
3 months ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 05:39:43 PM

Hello All!

It is the week before Gen Con. Large suitcases are being lugged. Endless UPS deliveries arriving and departing. Battery backups  being charged, backup credit card readers  being paired, box cutter blades being replaced.

We're at booth #349 at Gen Con — for those of you who have visited in years past, this is the same space we've occupied for several years. Look for Pivo & Berk welcoming you to the scum swarm!

Character Options: June Update
4 months ago – Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 08:23:05 PM

Hey backers,

We know you're eager for your copies of Character Options, and we want them in your hands too! We've hit a few small bumps along the way, but we want to reassure you all that these are just bumps and while printing has been a slower process than expected, nothing dire is going on.

After delivering every backer the PDF version, we made a bunch of corrections to the book in response to feedback. Those corrections have already been integrated into the PDF version. This lead to us delivering the print files to our printer later than expected, in the middle of their busiest season.

The current estimate is that our books will be complete and begin shipping to our warehouse and shipping office sometime in July. From there, we'll move to turn around rewards as quickly as possible.

The delays are unfortunate, but over the 10+ years we've worked with this printer they have made huge efforts to get our books finished in time for Gen Con and other commitments. If this is Printer Karma finally coming back to bite us, I can't say we haven't earned it!

We’re still working hard on our Patreon projects and other books and will have news about a couple soon. In addition to that, we'll be working with a print broker on future projects to handle some of the logistics.

The Cool News Department:

Late last year Sprite finished work on his first full-length album, and we were planning on releasing it ourselves — until German electronic label HANDS came calling — and so we're real excited that Anarchotech's Origin Stories is now available from HANDS. It's not an Eclipse Phase album, but... it's not NOT an Eclipse Phase album. We'll have physical copies of the album available soon on our store!


Adam is going to be at Origins this week, June 20-23. No booth, working for the day job, but drop a line by email ([email protected]) or Discord if you are also there and want to say hi!

Gen Con:

Of course, we will be at Gen Con. :)

Thank you all for your support. We'll have a news update in July — or sooner if situations change — regarding fulfillment, BackerKit opening, and any other news. 

Character Options: January Update
9 months ago – Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 06:28:25 PM

Hey folks!

Here's a small flurry of updates and news:

#1: Flexbot Confidential

Earlier this week we released Flexbot Confidential on DriveThruRPG and Posthuman.Shop, and we just updated it with a few corrections to bring it in line with the Character Options corrections.

Flexbot Confidential brings you more modular material for everyone's favorite modular morphs, including details on cyberbrains, cortical stacks, and multiple egos. From there it moves onto shapeshifting, gear assembly,  flexbot tricks, and further upgrades.

Last Call for Character Options Corrections! 📚
11 months ago – Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 12:58:43 PM

Hey everyone!

It's been a little over a week since this campaign closed, and thank you so much for your support and pledges!

With hundreds of pairs of backer eyes going over the book, a few mistakes have come to the surface — we'll be compiling corrections and updating the book in the near future. To get the updated PDF you won't have to take any action, and the printed book will contain those corrections!

If you've seen any typos or other mistakes in Character Options, please report them using this form:

Or you can pop into the Character Options channel in our Discord:

If you haven't downloaded Character Options yet, the link for doing so is in this backer update:

In addition to finalizing the PDF and getting the book to the printers, we're working on preparing to make the enamel pin order, getting BackerKit's Pledge Manager set up, some upgrades to the shipping office, and all that sort of logistical stuff.

Again, thanks for your support!